ትግሬ | تقرى | TIGRE
Welcome to our living digital archive of resources and educational materials of the Tigre (Tigrayit) language and its speakers of Eritrea and Eastern Sudan #SpeakTigre
Our Story
Tigre is a rich, vast, and diverse language with several unique dialects and multiple ways to say one word depending on region, ethnic group, or culture. We think this makes the Tigre language unique and valuable for Eritreans (and everyone interested) to be familiar with —and learn. Learning your mother tongue across lands and oceans can feel like an impossible feat. We hope our collection of diverse resources created by passionate people invested in the Tigre language will help ease that burden. We intend to be a curator of existing resources created by native Tigre speakers who are educators, scholars, and experts. We want to make these resources free, accessible, and easy to share. We ask that everyone joining us on this journey keep an open mind and work in good faith to make this educational experience one that is also enjoyable!
Check out our Linktree to see our resource list of websites, movies, podcasts, and more, which will be added to the site in the coming phases.
Welcome to our living library. This collection includes a variety of resources from books, articles, and research documents written in various languages from Tigre, English, German, French and Italian. Each resource has a download button below it. Once clicked, the selected document will open a new window with download and print options. As we shared, this is a LIVING archive; as such, we hope it can constantly grow and ask you, our community, to help nurture it. Please contact us if you have any documents, books, videos, or audio about Tigre (Tigrayit) or its speakers!
A directory of Tigre Documents Library can be found HERE.

Copula Construction in
Geez and Tigre
In Ronny Meyer, Andreas Wetter and Joachim Crass (eds.) 2008 Deictics, Copula, and Focus in the Ethiopian Convergence Area Rüdiger Köpper Verlag

La-fala:lac’a ħĭč’ey:
The Woodchopper
Tigre (Samhar) Text and Grammatical Notes

Triple Take: Tigre and The Case of Internal Republication
Aspects of internal reduplication

Eroded prefixes, gemination and guttural effects in Tigre
An account in CVCV phonology

Manaule Tigre-Italiano
Italian-Tigre and Tigre-Italian dictionaries and demonstrative map of the languages spoken in Eritrea
More additions are coming soon. Please contact us if you have resources you would like to see added.
Disclaimer: Speak Tigre intends for this to be a library of available resources on the Tigre language or the culture, customs, and history of Tigre-speaking peoples. The views expressed in these documents are those of the authors and do not reflect Speak Tigre's official policy or position. Any content provided by authors is of their opinion and not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, individual, anyone, or anything.
Our deepest hope is to have a collection of resources that accurately represent our diversity, and we ask for you, our community, to help us achieve that.
Our intention is community building, so we would love to hear from you with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We are also always looking for new resources from books, documents, audio, video, or anything in between to add to our growing archive. If you have any leads, please reach out.